Every year Memorial Day holds special meaning for our household.  We purchased online the original Associated Press photograph published in every American newspaper announcing the dedication of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  The photo still has the original typewriter-produced descriptive note from the photographer taped to the back. Why purchase such a photo? Because we know that the marble tomb that sits in Washington, D.C. would have passed over the railroad tracks from Marble, Colorado on its way to Washington. Our living room sits directly over that same railroad bed. The photograph sits above our living room mantel and serves to remind us of how significant is the remembrance of those who lost their lives in the defense of the liberties and freedoms of our country.

Freedom is a priceless gift.  It’s not to be undervalued, nor is it to be used as a license to destroy ourselves.  This week I couldn’t help but think about the sharp contrast between the solemn, wreath-laying assembly of people in Arlington National Cemetery and that of the cheering crowds in the streets of Ireland as the nation voted to legalize abortion.  So many lives have been sown into the ground to protect the freedoms of those nations who set their values, not by individual rights, but rather by righteousness. These freedoms were not established to end life but to actually protect life…and liberty…and the pursuit of happiness.  Abortion removes all three freedoms in one fell swoop.

Nations which were once built upon such principles as the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount are breaking the mooring lines which once secured them to the safe harbor of the righteous respect for life. This week we witnessed crowds cheering a vote that will result in the sure loss of millions of lives. I personally could not help but juxtapose this response to the silent voices of those who died in World War II, who never dreamed that they were fighting for what would some day be the loss of protections established for the sake of the unborn.

I always try to be careful when speaking on this subject lest I be calloused or unsympathetic. There is unlimited grace and great forgiveness for all those who have reconciled with God over this issue.  But that does not change the need for a discussion we all must have.  How do we move on from here? What do we teach our children?  Should we be silent for the sake of sensitivity? Is there a stand that must override all other feelings?

All of us, having found the grace of God to cover our past, should we not be vocal for the sake of those not yet born and for the sake of those who in the future will choose life and blessing? We throw stones at no one.  We might have not committed another person’s sins, but we sure have been forgiven of plenty of our own. Let’s all forget what lies behind, and let’s look to the future.

We can do this by thinking about those who have died in the service of our country, and fight for the principles for which they died. I can’t help but remember the words of Jesus, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). What is the only biblically acceptable reason where one would lay down his life?  Only when it is done for the sake of another.  Jesus did the same when He laid down his life so that we might live.

I’m not sure what I hope to accomplish by this rumination, but I hope that we will be challenged again to realize that we must never give up the fight for life.  Though the Emerald Isle was among the last few nations taking a stand for life, we realize that truth will prevail ultimately when true believers unwaveringly hold on to their convictions.  Ireland has been losing its Christian faith for decades, but there is a true Church which, if it still remains strong in the righteousness of its convictions, will see the salvation of the Lord.  Eventually, I believe, there will be an awakening.  Science and technology have proven the viability of life in the womb which was unknown at the passage of Roe v. Wade. Already, there is a positive shift in the opinions of Millennials on the issue.

I appreciate all of you who continue to prayer and serve the cause of helping women facing challenging pregnancies.  “Unknown Soldiers” have always laid down their lives for others.  I pray for all of you who serve and pray.  I pray you will be blessed and that you will remain strong in your fight for life. God showed us that when a nation chooses life, it chooses blessing, and when it chooses death it invites cursing. Therefore choose life, that you AND YOUR OFFSPRING may live (Deuteronomy 30:19).

Blessings to everyone,
