As we are setting aside 21 days to focus on prayer and fasting, it’s good to position our hearts to receive the most benefit and blessing.  I’ve had occasions where I was doing the right thing, but my attitude and mindsets were wrong.  In spite of our outward obedience, our inward attitudes can be robbing us of all that God wants to do. Others will be looking at our outward appearance of discipline and dedication, but God is watching the condition of our heart.  That’s a good place for us to look as well.

Now, I’m not wanting to burden us with an over-examination of ourselves.  That rarely produces good fruit, and we usually end up feeling inadequate.  But there is a place in prayer where we say like David,  “Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way (Psalm 139:23-24). In the same way that a fast can cleanse the body, a season of fasting and prayer can cleanse the heart. While first being aware that Jesus Christ is our righteousness and that we are not condemned,  believers can come to a loving heavenly Father and ask Him to search their heart and thoughts and see if there is anything in their lives that is hurtful.  There are things in our lives that can hurt the Holy Spirit, hurt others and hurt ourselves.  We can appeal to the Father and ask Him to reveal these areas and lead us out into the way that is full of life and blessing.

Jesus taught us how to position our hearts to yield maximum benefits of prayer and fasting.  In the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7), He taught us that humility in fasting and prayer is essential for blessing.  We need to make sure that we’re not doing it to appear more righteous in front of others, but make sure that all of our joy is in knowing that God knows our commitment, and He will reward us. Secondly, in Jesus’ teaching about prayer and fasting, He told us to make sure we have forgiven everyone in our life (Matthew 6:14-15).  Unforgiveness quite possibly does more to hinder blessing and release of answers to prayer than any other “hurtful” attitude.  I think it would be good for each of us to ask the Lord to search our hearts and see if we are holding any unforgiveness towards anyone.  Confess the attitude as sin, and walk in the freedom of forgetting every offense.

I mention all this for our benefit.  The Lord has such a heart for us and desires that we would be successful in this season of prayer. I’m praying for all of you today that you might reap the great benefits of all that God has for you.

Categories: 21 Day Fast