Isaiah 58 is a great chapter on fasting. It reminds us that fasting in and of itself is of little benefit unless we remember why we’re doing it. Isaiah ties these special seasons of prayer to desiring to see that people would be set free from burdens that bind them and weigh them down, both physical and spiritual. It is a time to allow our minds and consciences to be moved by injustices, addictions and oppressions that people are suffering. When we choose to feel the hunger of a fast, it is to trigger our compassion for those who are hungry and have no choice to eat. A call to corporate fasting and prayer is a time to serve the needs of people around us.
The first few weeks of the year are a great time to fast and pray because we have a tendency to unconsciously step into patterns of self-survival, self-preservation and sometimes just plain selfishness. When a church calls a corporate fast, they are reminded that we are here to represent Jesus to the world around us–to administer forgiveness, provide for the needy, minister to the sick, and set people free by sharing the Gospel. This happens through both the power of prayer and through our personal involvement in making special effort to help others.
But look at the promise that comes when we fast and pray with the right mindset. How can anyone not love this promise! Isaiah says, “Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; You will cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’ If you remove the yoke from your midst, The pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness” (Isa 58:8-9). By taking our eyes off ourselves, removing burdens from others, not pointing a judgmental finger, and by guarding the words coming out of our mouths, God promises to answer our prayers. I love that He tells us that when we pray with the desire to see others free, He will say, “Here I am.” God sits in anticipation to answer quickly the fastings and prayers of those who exercise their faith as a means of blessing the world.
I’m still praying for all of you that you will enjoy this season of prayer and reap all the great rewards of a corporate fast.