Does it seem to you that every time you’re focusing on some aspect or truth about God it suddenly seems to become relevant to the headlines in the news? Recently an ex-staff member of the Trump administration declared how scary it is that Vice President Pence believes that Jesus speaks to him. In response, a comedienne said, “It’s one thing to talk to Jesus. It’s another thing when Jesus talks to you.” Someone suggested that this would indicate mental illness in the Vice President. I get it. People don’t understand. And if I didn’t know Jesus, I would probably question everything as well. But I do know Him, and it changes everything. Actually, hearing Jesus is quite possibly my greatest treasure in life.
Just two Sundays ago I shared about our relationship with Jesus and how unique it is. Remember what Jesus said in John 10:14-16, 27, “I am the good shepherd; and I know My own, and My own know Me, even as the Father knows Me and I know the Father…and they shall hear My voice…My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” Of all the things that Jesus could have said would define the relationship he would have with His followers, He chose their ability to hear His voice as their most unique trait. We should be known by, defined by, and led by the voice of Jesus.
I’ve never heard the audible voice of Jesus, though some in both the Bible and in Church history have made that claim. I have no reason to doubt it, especially, of course, the biblical accounts. But still I can attest to having received in my heart such a deep and convincing impression of thoughts, ideas and directions that I know they come from my Savior. I’ve felt as sure that it was the voice of my Shepherd as though I’d heard it with my physical ears. Sure I’ve missed it. It’s a learning process, just like a sheep learns the uniqueness of his shepherd’s voice. I’m not perfect, but even a person who hears something with his physical ears might sometimes hear it wrong. Still, I trust that voice, and I value nothing as much as I value what my Savior speaks to me.
But, you might ask, isn’t Jesus in heaven now? Yes, but the Holy Spirit is the inner voice by which Jesus speaks to me. I received the Holy Spirit when I gave my heart to Jesus, and he speaks to me what Jesus tells him to speak. After all, the Spirit of God is also called the Spirit of Jesus (Philippians 1:19). The Spirit of Jesus lives inside me. He does not speak to me his own thoughts, but rather He speaks of and speaks for Jesus (John 16:13). I don’t hear the Holy Spirit with my physical ear, but I hear him in a deeper part of myself. He speaks to my heart. People can make fun of someone like Vice President Pence, but he’s speaking about what should be the testimony of every follower of Jesus Christ.
How can someone hear the voice of Jesus? First, you must make Jesus Christ your personal Savior. If you say, “Lord Jesus, I give you my heart. Come live inside me. From this day on, be my Lord and Savior,” you will have your heart awakened to hear the voice of Jesus. It’s called being born again.
Then, the most important thing is to spend a good amount of time reading and meditating on the Bible. As you do this, you will begin to recognize His voice speaking to your heart while you’re reading the Scriptures. He will bring personal application of the Bible to your life even as you’re reading. You’ll begin to recognize the sound of His voice.
Next, you will begin to recognize His voice as you pray. Remember, prayer is just talking to God. Jesus promised to talk to you, so prayer is simply you talking to Jesus. You will realize that He begins to lead you in the things you are to pray for.
Finally, as you are going throughout your day, you will begin to realize you are being led by the voice of Jesus inside your heart, guiding you in choices, decisions and directions. Then, in times that we set aside just to be quiet before the Lord, telling Him how thankful we are for Him, praising Him for everything He is, in these quiet moments He can and will clearly speak things to our hearts.
Live a peaceful and quiet life. Jesus isn’t much of a shouter. The Holy Spirit speaks the voice of Jesus to us in quietness. There’s such a racket of distraction in this world. Most times, it’s not that He’s not speaking, it’s that we’re not able to hear Him.
Just ask Him to help you hear and recognize His voice. He loves to answer that prayer. It will all be worth it. I can’t imagine the journey of life without having the Savior-Shepherd’s voice. Let’s treasure it above everything else.
My prayer for everyone who reads this blog is that you will be a true follower of Jesus Christ and that your ability to hear His voice will increase daily.
The Lord bless you,